
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lessons Learned

Happy Sabbath readers!

Today has caused me to stop and reflect on the many ups and downs life has in store for us. These changes in emotional/spiritual altitude do not just occur hour by hour (or if you're like me, minute by minute) but gradually through our lives. (Disclaimer: What you are about to read is an over exaggeration created by myself. It does not mean I assume EVERYONE'S life experience is like this.) We start out as children, ignorant and blissfully happy. The world is our playground. The biggest concern we have is whether our brother or sister will take our favorite toy. Then we enter school.

Whoa. It's like nothing you have ever seen. Rooms just filled to the brim with other children with a single goal in mind: Learn new stuff! (It's okay to use "stuff" here because we don't yet know that specifics are important) Elementary school is filled with bright colors, new experiences, new people to interact with, and all sorts of fun things to entertain as well as teach. But then something happens. You find yourself not quite enjoying those super cool toys you had in Kindergarten or 1st grade. You want to spend more time reading, playing sports, or video gaming. You aren't content with the kiddie table anymore. You start to notice what you wear. Mom and Dad suddenly don't seem so smart. Middle school has begun.

Now I don't know about any of you, but middle school definitely marked the beginning of a large decline in my life. You get there and realize those bad things you heard about when you were little really do happen. You are confused by people's actions. Everyone seems to have something to prove...but why would they want to prove anything? People become more adamant that you really can't do all that you know you should be able to. Faith and self-assurance gets attacked, hard. You realize there is a separation between people; usually according to talent, money, or physical appearance. Of course! How could you not have seen it before? You have to be in the "in crowd"! Otherwise people will think ill of you. People's opinions matter people! They rule your life! It's not your own! What are you talking about? You know what you're talking about. You are definitely smart now. Enter high school.

You've done it! You finally reached the greatest part of life! You are a full-fledged teenager. Now while you KNOW you couldn't possibly turn into an angsty, self-absorbed teenager because you are so sweet and kind, the just doesn't understand the way you are determined to be treated like an adult. Now everyone knows that adults get treated with respect by their actions. But what does a poor, inadequate teen do when their actions are less than respectful? Oh yeah! You make yourself look better than the next guy. Of course! That makes sense. Like really, you think just letting people push you around will gain respect? Um no! You have to speak out! Your voice must be heard! Oppression of the teenage population must end! You never knew just how hard it was to be a teen. You're under your parents rule. You don't get the respect you deserve. You worked so hard to reach this stage and it's not at all as happy as it looked 5 years ago. Oh well, you suppose that that is just how life goes. Right? "Bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it, right?" (if you can guess that movie and finish the quote I'm so buying you your favorite candy bar!) Good thing this high school thing is going away fast. Now you get to move on to your real life!

College! (Yay! This is me!) Now you've finally made it. You can finally do what you want to do, when you want to do it! It's about time! Oh wait...there is rent to pay? You still have to go school? The professors are so intelligent. They aren't anywhere near as nice or helpful as high school teachers. You can't extend that deadline for me? know that excuse eh? You have to study? What is this nonsense? Who decided college was a good idea? Why do you need more than a diploma? You know basically everything you need to survive in this big, bad world alone right? Who needs to explore outside what you learned in high school? You don't like learning like you did as a child. You didn't know anything then. You were young and naive. Learning is NOT fun. Maybe next year will provide better insight to why college is important.

Wow! You sure were a dumb freshman. Now you have to go back and clean up the mess you made. Hmmm...well, you suppose the best place to start would be with your grades. Retaking classes and picking majors, all of it makes you feel good. Like you are finally owning up your life. You meet a guy and he seems pretty swell. (Oh yeah, did I mention you are female? I contemplated making this non-gender specific but the dating thing is pretty important here too. Don't worry! Almost done! You're doing great!) Maybe he'll be the one and you'll live a long, happy life together. That doesn't work out. You meet another guy. He is even more amazing than the other one! Maybe HE's the one. Nope. Well that's it then. You're done. All the boys here in college just can't handle the awesomeness that is you, you guess. Who wouldn't want to keep you forever? Your parents do but we know how much you really want to live with your parents again...(no offense intended for those who DO in fact live with your parents. I, personally, would go nuts.) Well, that's it then. Either no boy is worthy of you, or you just aren't good enough for depressing. You'll be single forever. No you won't! Yes you will. Um, no. There has GOT to be a man out there that you can trust with your heart. The second year passes.

Thus commences the summer between your second and third year. Seeing as this is where I am, this is where I will stop for I cannot consolidate personal experience with outside accounts if I don't have personal experience to use. Do you see the ups and downs? There are periods of confusion and light. Moments of peace and despair. The teenage years seem to be the most filled with confusion. The more I grow, the more I believe the phrase, "The more I know, the more I realize I don't know." These periods of change help us to see the good in comparison to the bad. "For it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things" (2 Ne 2:11) Otherwise, we could't feel just how wonderful it is to be happy if we don't know how awful it is to be sad or angry.

The lessons presented in church today followed this self-same pattern. In Relief Society we talked about the life of Christ and how He has inspired our lives. That was the happy part. In Sacrament meeting, the talks that stuck out to me dealt with the Atonement. Remembering Christ's sacrifice for us made me happy, but sad at the same time. I really shouldn't dwell on the pain He went through and remember the love that pushed Him to go ahead with it. It amazes me the love our Savior has for each and EVERY one of us. He knows us by name. He knows us by heart.
"Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you." (John 15:13-14)
We are His friends. He wants to help us, so He will do whatever He can. (hint: That's everything!) All we need to do is ask. Use our agency to make our own choice but then ask Him to make up the difference when we fall short.

I guess I've written enough here so I'll just close with my testimony. I know our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ know each of us individually, by name and by heart. They want us to live with Them. They love us. I know by and through the Atonement, we are able to live with Them. I know there is hope for ALL people. There is infinite worth attached to every soul. I know trials play just as big of a part in the Father's Plan as do blessings. Trials try our faith, making it stronger. We prove ourselves daily through trials.

Thank you for reading today. I suppose I'll talk to you tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. You definitely just wrote a talk/devotional. lol You should use this somewhere!
