
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day in the life...

Now that I've properly introduced myself, I'll set the stage for what future posts will be like.

7:00am: Awakened by a phone call. O.O
9:00am: Weight training (ouch!)
11:00am: Country Dance class (I've decided that I'm not a huge fan of the waltz...)
12:00pm: Work! (Custodial in the Tanner. Afternoon shift is the place to be yo!)
5:00pm: Ward temple trip (best place in the world! Really!)
7:30pm: Picnic in the canyon
11:00pm: BLOG!!

Now aren't you glad you got an hour by hour play-by-play of my day? ;) I tell ya, it's interesting to look back on what you did in a day on an hourly basis and see just how insane you are! (I realize this is cake compared to some of ya'll's schedules. I'm sorry if my whining causes offense.) I don't think I've had this much variety in my life for about two years! Absolutely amazing. :)

So I don't think I'll update my blog this late anymore...I'm so tired that I don't think I'm making any sense in my writing. Maybe I'll write after work instead...Hmmmm...trial and error right? So now I bid you all "Good night!"

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