
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Because I have been given much...

Now I KNOW I would be remiss if I did not share the absolute joy I feel with all of you today. Today has been one of those days that makes you want to shout from the mountaintops how greatly blessed you are. All the stresses in my life just found themselves resolved. (Yeah, greatly blessed) I got the title to the Jetta so I can officially sell it. I found my checkbook. Work was productive today. I was sore after weight lifting. Overall, been a good day. :)

So Leah and I were having a discussion last night about this so I thought I'd open the floor for further thought. What do we do to improve our communities? How can we (by "we" I mean college kids) get involved with our community? I have always been told that now that I'm in college, it gets to be all about me. Well, pardon my illegal knowledge but I already knew it was all about me. It's been all about me for about 20 years now! It's someone else's turn! I want to give back to this community we call BYU. I want to improve the quality of life, be a part of something. Does anyone else think we should be doing something? Maybe I'm just a naive girl from a small town but it seems to me that even large communities require people working together to function well. I don't know, shoot me your thoughts! I'd love to hear them! :)


  1. Well, you already know *my* opinion on this matter, but I'll just state it again so you have it in writing. Life should never be about just you, or just me, even in college. Sure, there are some things about oneself that does need to be focused on, but asides from that, life should be about others! As far as how to contribute to the community....I have no idea except for doing service and being as friendly and warm as possible.

  2. Perhaps forming a service club or group? One that takes it's weekends to do cool stuff for people.
