
Monday, June 7, 2010

Vegas trip part 1

Hello everyone!

I'm back! Oh my goodness and do I have stories for you! Unfortunately, I only have about 15 minutes to write this post so I'll have to share only a couple.

So Las Vegas is a very hot place. By "hot" I really do mean temperature. Boy do they know how to run their air conditioning down there. The highs all weekend were above 100 degrees! It was just a little toasty. I'm sure that if I had stayed long enough to get used to that kind of heat, I'd be freezing right now in Happy Valley. If any of you ever find yourselves in such a situation, I have one bit of advice for you, DON'T LEAVE YOUR STUFF IN THE CAR! Oh my goodness! It melted my water bottle and made my stick of deodorant do something really weird.

I went to Vegas to Steven's baptism and Sarah's blessing, just in case you didn't know why a good girl like me would go gallivanting off to Sin City. It was great to see all those guys again. I finally got to hold Adam! (I didn't get to for his blessing because I was sick...:/) He is such a cutie! Sarah looked positively angelic in her little blessing dress. Poor girl was sweating up a storm though. Long dresses were not meant for the desert. Steven had a sharp little suit. Once church was over though, he quickly abandoned that in favor of an inside out black hoodie. We tried to convince him he would melt away but he insisted. I think he was trying to be a ninja...I don't know. Little Annie was sure to let me know just how much she loves her "Auntie Shavonne" (We're cousins but she insists I'm her aunt. *shrug*) She basically stayed near me the whole time I was there. She is so cute. I now have all those kids' email addresses so we'll be able to keep in touch a lot easier. :D

Well, my time is up. I'll have to fill you in more later...(whenever that is)

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