
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

All Play and No Work...

...makes Shavonne a very unsatisfied soul.

It's amazing the lessons one can learn through experience. I, myself, learned that if you don't work hard, playing hard is just no fun. It also works the other way around, if you don't play hard, working hard will never seem worth it. So here is my shout out to all of you, go balance yourselves! Work and play! Neither are evil while the other exists in equality.

So here's the story for the post. This weekend has been the craziest one I've had yet! It all started on Friday with a massive water balloon fight. You read that right, massive water balloon fight!

I hope you watched the video because I was in that craziness! Following that awesomeness we decided to hoof it over to Costco to pick up some pizza, while still in our wet clothes. Come on now, why not show off our activities to the world right? ;) We didn't even make it in the door before security rushed out the entrance to yell, "Hey! I saw you on the news!" He then began to describe the epic sight that had displayed on his TV set. Needless to say, fame goes to my head waaay too easily. haha

After the pizza we decided we didn't want to dry off just yet so we went swimming. Swimming is always fun, especially on a hot day such as that. After that was frozen yogurt and then work. Guess who is using lotion regularly for the first time in her life to preserve what little color she obtained from the sun? Yeah...that's me...

That was only Friday! Saturday was just as exciting. :D
I went to Foam days with Icie and Jim. They are the cutest engaged couple I've ever seen. Before that though, we went to Elaine's to have Icie's dress fitted. Icie's dress will be so beautiful when completed! Elaine's kids were adorable. Almost all of them attacked Jim while waiting for us ladies to be finished ooo-ing and aaw-ing over Icie's dress. It was quite the sight to see.
Foam days was pretty epic. The fire department sprayed foam all over a large field then everyone was released to play, wrestle and cover themselves in the slimy, kind of funky smelling stuff. It was quite exciting.

After that we began a Star Wars marathon that will go probably weekly, starting with Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I forgot how much I love those movies!! :D Definitely worth watching again and again.

Just when you thought you knew all about the greatness the weekend held in store, there came more on Sunday! Leah came over and we made a delectable dinner that we ended up sharing with anyone we could invite. Good food and good people, now that's what Sunday after church should be like. :) I had been plotting a surprise birthday party for Leah for that evening (we couldn't do it on her birthday! She would expect it!) but she was making it very difficult. First she wouldn't leave my apartment so I could set up. Then, when the location of the party got moved, she wouldn't go! She was doing a favor for a friend so I guess I couldn't get upset...but I did anyway. She couldn't understand why I so badly wanted her to go to this location and I couldn't just tell her to go and I would finish her favor for we ended up bringing the party to her. We knocked on her door and sang happy birthday then I happily took over the favor so she could finally go to her own birthday party. haha, gotta love how things work out.

There you have it, my whirlwind weekend. Whew! I thought I'd never get it all down on a post! Haha now there is no time for me to tell you about today so I'll have to save that for another time. Until next time readers!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Your blog title looks like mine! But that's ok. I used your blog name in mine just now, so it's ok. Loooooove ya! Oh, and sorry about ruining your clever surprise party schemes. You're an awesome best friend!
