
Thursday, July 15, 2010

I apologize profusely for my inattention to this blog. I've had some late nights (today not being an exception) and just didn't get to the blog.

Lesson for the day:
"Angry people are not always wise."
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
You get the picture? Anger and frustration causes problems. This doesn't mean we suppress these emotions because, well let's face it, they happen. This means that we need to learn to direct those emotions to something constructive. Channel that energy for good. I've learned to write. Not all of it is it won't make it to this blog ;), but most of it comes out as coherent thought. My own thoughts plus whatever it is the Lord is trying to teach me eventually make it to the paper.

I told a friend today that it would be better for her not to join me in my I wonder if I made the right decision. I had the right reason for saying so. I didn't want to bring her down too...but I'm slowly learning that even the strongest people need a shoulder to cry on. So this is me, crying to you readers. Life is hard. It seems just when you think you have it all right, something goes wrong. I think it's a lesson in being a control freak. "How will Shavonne handle her life spinning wildly out of control? Will she be humble enough to see help?" Well, my answer to that is...yeah not all the time, but I'm getting better!

With that, I'm going to close. Thank you for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. I heart you! Everything will get better, it just may completely suck for awhile haha. But you're amazing, and you can do it!
