
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Purpose

Today is why I needed to do this project. Well, one of the reasons anyway.

Funny story:
I actually had trouble coming up with one for today. I had a little help to remember though. The funny story for today comes from my experience in the MTC. While I was in the MTC, we were informed that we would be taking on an experience to humble us and help us rediscover the purpose of missionary work through action. We chose a companion to teach with and were then given the opportunity to teach an investigator. Now it feels like I haven't done this in a long time...because I haven't so as soon as the announcement was made, I was terrified! How could I teach? I was so out of practice! The sheer nervousness it brought up in me just caused me to laugh. It looks like I'll be practicing hard core these next couple weeks.

Spiritual story:
Heavenly Father teaches us "line upon line. Precept upon precept." Sometimes the answer we are looking for  is simply buried in a serious of answers. When we finish one line, another line is brought before us to take on. Sometimes we want the full answer, the big picture, all at once, right now. We are very impatient creatures. What we fail to realize in our hurry to gain knowledge is that that knowledge had been coming to us the whole time. We are promised that if we are good and do all we know we should, knowledge and understanding will "distill upon [our] soul[s] as the dews from heaven" (D&C 121:45). When we get too hasty, we forget what we have already learned.

Oh my goodness! This is why the prophets in the Book of Mormon are always telling us to "remember"! How can doctrine gather like a morning dew if we forget what we have already received? The purpose of learning is to build on what has already been given. If we throw what we have been given aside, on what foundation shall we build?

Thank you for reading. I pray the Lord's blessing on you. =)

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