
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Beginnings

I love the feel of a new semester. You get new roommates, new classes and new experiences to explore. Starting off a new semester is always an interesting experience for me. Starting off with a responsibility in the church this early just adds to the adjustment madness. Just like a new transfer on the mission, there are goals to be set. I have made a goal to make this semester a sacred yet fun experience. I intend to use this blog in order to do just that. I want to take this next week and write a post EVERY day. (I know what you're probably thinking. "but you said you were going to do that a different time and you didn't do it." Cut me some slack. I'm a changed woman!) In each post, I'm going to tell the story of my day. You could say I'm going back to the roots of this blog. Each day I will share a fun story and a special story. Sacred stories will be staying with me.

Here goes my fun story:

So I ran up to campus after work today to practice my guitar with a piano in a practice room. I felt so good walking up with the sun shining down and some dark clouds in the distance. I figured I'd only be there for an hour or two so I wouldn't need a jacket to prepare for the storm that was rumored to show. After working for about an hour I decided it was time to head home. I looked outside and about cried. It was pouring! I was not prepared at all. My umbrella was at home and I had no idea if my cover for the guitar was really THAT water-proof. "Oh well," I thought, "It looks like I can either wait it out or just plow on through." I chose option B. After getting thoroughly soaked, I finally made it home. I decided it might be best to not go outside anymore. That was my funny story for the day.

Here is my more spiritual story:

Lately I've been feeling a bit of a drag in my spiritual sensitivity. Something has been using up my resources.
I couldn't figure out what it was. I'm not in classes anymore. I'm with a great guy. I have a great family. There was not logical reason for my inability to keep my emotions together...or was there? I was walking up to campus to watch the weekly devotional just thinking. I was thinking about when I could call different family members because I hadn't talked to them in a while. I had the plan beautifully orchestrated in my mind. Then an impression came to my mind. "When was the last time you went to such lengths to have a conversation with your Father in Heaven?" Oh dear...I stopped, literally and stood for a brief second. When WAS the last time I had seriously planned out a time where I could just communicate with God? Sure I read my scriptures. Sure I prayed often. But those had started to become rote, repetitive. When had I just talked with Him? Talk about being humbled.

Want to guess what the topic of the devotional was? If you said prayer, you'd be close. The speaker actually talked about the Holy Ghost. In a world where instant communication is not so new anymore, we too often forget or take for granted the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. He talked about using technology for our benefit and not allowing it to use us. It takes a conscious choice to not take that text right away or focus on the people in the room rather than those on your social media site. I felt a need to make a lot of changes in my life.

Well it's a bit choppy but that's what I have today. Thanks for reading. :) Tomorrow will be a new adventure. Today is a lesson to be learned from.

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