
Monday, March 25, 2013

It Always Gets Darkest Before the Dawn

Haven't we all heard this phrase at some time or another in our lives? Whether coming from a movie, our parents or a trusted friend, we can all agree that generally speaking, life gets harder before it gets better.

These past few weeks have been a confirmation to me that this statement is true. As you know, I was super stressed, sick, and other such nonsense. Satan was doing his best to keep me down and strip away my hope. I felt beaten down, abandoned and utterly worthless. That is when the experience from my last post came into play. 

This weekend has been one giant miracle after another. I thought I understood God's love and willingness to answer prayers...I stand corrected. I have no idea!! In my last post, I talked about pleading for just a confirmation that God is aware of me and my situation. All I really wanted was the weight I felt crushing me to either be lifted or my strength increased. While I got that, I have also received so much more! My heart feels like it could just burst with joy! There are so many things going well in my life, I cannot believe I discounted any of them!

I can't really describe how joyous and merciful and utterly loving our Father in Heaven is. He wants to give us everything! Is there any wonder why it would seem like He would get frustrated with us when we sin? He knows we're better than that! He knows what we are capable of. He also is the most patient Being anywhere so He has the capacity to help us. How grateful I am that Heavenly Father loves me enough to let me learn for myself. How grateful I am for Jesus Christ and His Atoning sacrifice that made it possible for me to learn for myself instead of just repeatedly damming myself. Jesus Christ lives. He loves you. Remember who you are. Remember where you came from. Remember why YOU are here and where you are striving to go. Don't know the answers to these questions? I invite you to talk to two people. First, your Heavenly Father. Go to Him in prayer and I promise you, He will answer. Next, the missionaries. These young men and women have been called of God and set apart for this exact purpose! You can get in contact with them by talking to your local Mormon, or by visiting this website. Please go.

Now for those of you who do think you understand these questions, I invite you to speak with your Father in Heaven. Ask Him to confirm and teach you more on the subject. I promise you, He will open your eyes to greater knowledge and understanding, resulting in greater intelligence. Then share what you have learned with others. I'm cheating. I have a blog. :D Share it with your family, your neighbor, your close friend. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don't be preachy, just be real. :) Thanks for reading everyone!

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