
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Light Bulb Moment

Here I hit a wall. I feel the need to blog but find that I have little or nothing to say. It's that feeling you get when writing a paper for school. You know it's due the next day but you don't know what else you could possibly say! Except this should be my thoughts and experiences and those never end.

The days that have passed since my last post have been somewhat of a blur. We had a three day weekend but I couldn't tell you what I did. When I look back, all I see is a haze. I'm self-diagnosing a mental/emotional virus. Others might call it "falling into a funk." Whatever it is, it makes "press[ing] forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men" (2 Nephi 31:20) rather difficult to do, especially in the mornings. As I typed that, my mind flashed to an experience of another young person who simply wanted an answer to a question. When he asked, he said he was seized upon by some being from the unseen world. Could this be my seizing moment? It is hard to fight, to be sure, but it came so subtly I almost didn't recognize it. Maybe that is why Mormon describes the devil with words like subtle and crafty, lying in wait to deceive.

Now I know what I'm fighting. It's amazing how much more free I feel with this knowledge at hand. I can/will pick myself up and dust off my bent shoulders. I will give my burden to One who can carry it. I'll keep you posted on how this develops in the coming days. =)

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