
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love Story

Hello readers.

I'm sure that if this were paper and I were to be using a pen you'd hardly be able to read what I write. I just watched the cutest chick flick in my life and I simply had to write about it.

For those of you who don't know, there is a movie out on DVD and Blu Ray called "Letters for Juliet." When I first saw the previews for it, I thought it looked cute but pretty much like every other romantic comedy I'd ever seen/heard of. Well, while shopping with my mom today, she happened to mention that that was one of her new favorite movies. When I said I hadn't seen it yet, she marched right over to the movie counter and bought it. (That tells you how highly she regards that movie.)

I just finished watching it. How can I even describe it? It was possibly the most romantic movie I have ever seen! The storyline was perfect. The characters were well portrayed. The scenery was gorgeous! All I was missing was a plate of my favorite mushroom tortellini on my lap to munch on. I'll have to remember that for next time.

The best thing about the movie was the message of hope. The woman, Claire, is searching for her Lorenzo after receiving a letter from Juliet, written by Sophie. They search and they search all over the Tuscany area trying to find Lorenzo. As predicted, Sophie falls out of love with her side-tracked fiancée and into love with Claire's grandson, Charlie. Oh yeah, did I mention Claire hasn't seen her Lorenzo for fifty years?

What makes this film great is that no matter how many disappointments they run into, Sophie manages to keep up hope for Claire and Lorenzo. Now I'm sure you can guess that Claire eventually finds Lorenzo but then Sophie goes back to New York with her fiancée! Now how is Charlie supposed to marry Sophie if she isn't even on the same continent! (Claire and Charlie are from London btw.)

Because it's a romantic comedy, you know everything turns out alright but the constant suspense and surprise problems make this movie and truly delicious film. I'm so glad I got to watch it.

Of course, now that I've given you the storyline, let me tell you how I really feel about it. I. Love. It! It taught me that to live life with a bunch of "What if"s on your back is no way to live life at all! You can't keep thinking what if I had tried to make that work? What if I had actually done what I wanted to do? Granted, you can't be totally rid of EVERY "what if" but you certainly can pick and choose.

For instance, I have made the choice to serve a mission. Now I can wonder what if I hadn't served a mission as much as I please, but if I were to stay, then I'd always wonder. What if I had served a mission? Where would I be? Who would I know?

It is these thoughts I want to share today. Thanks for reading!

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