
Friday, January 7, 2011


Now what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't blog about the coming of the New Year? I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive about the party this year. It seems the longer I am away from here, the less and less I feel like I fit. Nonetheless, Heavenly Father constantly shows me examples of love and kindness in ALL of His children. My family has made some wonderful friends out here.

Now that that has been said, allow me to fill you in on all my adventures for this new year!! (Don't worry, it'll be brief...or it should be)

I have learned so much already I'm pretty sure I could burst. First lesson, obsession that causes you to look back longingly is NOT healthy. I don't actually have a detailed story to share with you but suffice it to say that once your obsession creeps into your dreams and taints treasured memories, something has got to change.

Another lesson learned is the importance of patience, tolerance and love. If we are not patient when things don't go our way, we make ourselves and those around us miserable. At least I know I do. Perhaps it's just the way I handle impatience but I'm kind of annoying when I get that way. I can only imagine how I sound to/affect the people around me.

In other news, I have 25 days left in the "real world." That means 25 more days to get myself to the level I need to be to serve to the best of my ability. Sometimes, that seems like tomorrow. Other times, it seems like an eternity. How can I possibly pass that much time away productively? I'll just have to get creative I guess.

Anywho, thank you for reading today. I'm sorry there isn't much depth but then again, this blog IS just the ramblings of a girl lost in thought. I hope you all enjoy your first Friday of the new year!

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