
Friday, October 1, 2010

Life Ain't Always Beautiful

But it's a beautiful ride.

There was a time that I believed everyone had a fairy tale life. Whether they chose to acknowledge that fact was entirely up to them but I knew it was true. Now I'm starting to doubt that. Not that everyone doesn't deserve a fairy tale, but not everyone makes the choice to get one. I know this for a fact.

It's been a long time since I have written. I apologize to all you who actually keep up with this blabber. Allow me to catch you up on the events of my life.

This weekend is General Conference! This means a weekend with my dear sister and some good friends to get away from the cynicism often found in ProvOrem and listen to a prophet's voice. Don't get me wrong, I love it here! There are wonderful people and way fun times. It seems as the semester goes on, hope and determined joy dwindle. Or maybe that's just me. ;) Either way, I'm glad to be getting this much needed break for my soul to be rejuvenated and my mind enlarged with the good word of the Lord.

Sadie and I have been super blessed to get great tickets for the Sunday afternoon session. Our parents got the opportunity to meet Sister Dibb, counselor in the General Young Women's presidency, and get to know her a little bit. (How cool is that? You ought to ask them for the full story. They can tell it so much better than I.) It was mentioned that Sadie and I were living in Provo and going to school so Sister Dibb said she would give us tickets for conference. We have the potential to be in the very front row...ish! This is so very cool.

What else can I share with you about my life? Oh! I went dancing last night for the first time in months. I wish I had never stopped. I had forgotten how much I love to dance. It doesn't matter if I am dancing with someone else or if I am just enjoying the tunes by myself, I love to dance! Here is my message to you, readers. Don't give up on something you love! I don't care if it isn't convenient. Life's not worth living if it's easy all the time.

Until next time, enjoy your weekend!

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