
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Aaah, to sleep away the worry

Good morning world!

Today I find myself in an interesting position that involves circumstances that feel out of my hands. I went to bed last night at around 2am. For a weekend, that's not too terrible since all my Saturday morning plans fell through. The only problem here is that I couldn't actually fall asleep until around 3am. However, it's the weekend, I should be able to sleep in and catch up on lost sleep. Wrong again. Without setting an alarm or asking to be disturbed, I found myself awake at 7am. That's four hours of sleep. This has been a recurring pattern this week. I'm dead tired all throughout the day but once the hours of 10-11pm hit, I'm wide awake and kickin'. What's a poor girl to do when she can't sleep?

On a brighter side, I've been doing pretty well in my schooling so far. I've managed to get all my homework done for the first few days of next week, leaving my weekend free to do whatever I please. Isn't it wonderful to have that freedom with your schedule?

I don't really have anything else to say this morning....maybe you could give me ideas on what you would like to read.

Until my fingers brush these keys again.

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