
Friday, September 10, 2010

School has begun again!

And has it been crazy! I have a full load of classes plus a part-time job. Now, to some, that might sound like a lot so now I add the full social calendar that keeps itself full without any help from myself. (minus being ridiculously witty and fun to be around, but we don't speak of that. ;) ) It has been really great so far though. My Heavenly Father has greatly blessed me with every skill/talent to accomplish everything I have on my "To Do" list. I'm pretty sure if I didn't have Him to cry to every night, my life would be one big empty hole filled with a lot of hot air.

In other news, I've started a second blog. Now, I know what you're thinking, "You barely keep up with this one anymore! How in the world are you going to keep up with a second blog! Shavonne, my dear, you are stretching yourself too thin." 'Tis not so my dear friends! The second blog is for my Principles of Journalism class. I have to write specifically about journalism and my views on the issues discussed in class. I'm pretty excited to take on this project. If you all want to follow it, just click here. I would greatly appreciate all the comments and feedback you can give me. The idea is to create a discussion, giving me an idea on what I want to do with journalism when I graduate.

I'll give you a much more detailed post next time. For now, I could be late for class if I don't skidaddle.

Until we meet again!

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