
Monday, August 30, 2010

Home again!

Looks to me like I haven't dumped my thoughts and impressions of life on you for a while. I apologize profusely! Let me catch you up real quick on the events of my life.

I have recently returned from a week long trip back to my family in Indiana and boy! What a trip! Shall I tell you how it went? Well...okay. ;) So it started off with my own fault, sleeping in. Missed my original flight but managed to snag a later flight with no additional cost. (Somebody REALLY wanted me home.) Upon arrival to Kentuckiana, I immediately contracted "Contact Dermatitis" (the condition of touching and reacting to poisonous plants like Poison Ivy or Poison Oak.) and went to the urgent care center to get treated. I was given some powerful drugs and instantly untouchable for the following week. (makes playing with the younger kids kinda difficult.) Then I went to the eye doctor to find out I have infiltrates in my eyes. Guess what that means! More drugs...yay. If that weren't enough, my brother has legs of steel, causing my poor little toe to get pretty badly bruised for a couple days. My mom says I just shouldn't go home anymore. It's just cheaper that way. Haha little does she know...

The trip wasn't all bad though. Not by any means. It was wonderful to be able to see my family and share in their crazy life. They have been renovating their house for the past three months now so they have been living with my aunt and uncle. In case you didn't know, that is a lot of people in one house. It works out pretty well though. Everyone is very accommodating and self-sacrificing. Only in a family filled with love and the Spirit could pull this arrangement off this well I've decided. I also got to see a couple good friends and talk to more good friends. All-in-all, the trip was well worth it. :D

I learned some really great lessons today. It's amazing what the Lord has in store to teach you when you're not looking for a lesson. Or even what He teaches you when you are looking for a lesson. I'll have to explain that more tomorrow though when it is not so late and I am finished with schooly things.

G'night world! Thanks for reading. :D

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