
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The words of scripture strike true...again

Oh. My. Goodness.

Yup. I went to Conference. Could I write a blog post that would do it justice? Nope. But I sure can try!

There are no words to describe how wonderful that weekend was. Every session was filled with so much spiritual greatness that there was soon no room to take it all in. After the last session, I spent quite a bit of time wandering Temple Square just writing in my journal or staring off into space, thinking. There were so many great lessons taught and principles emphasized. Many questions were answered and more were awakened. In the end, I walked away thinking to myself, "So this is what the Nephites felt after King Benjamin's speech..." How amazing a feeling it was too!! I thought I understood, but I really didn't.

Now I find myself on the busiest day of my week with a quick moment to write to all of you, my friends. I have a quick story to share. I was quick to forget one commandment brought up in Conference, go to bed early. Oops! It was entirely my fault. I had plenty of opportunities to retire early but I didn't take them. I felt pretty rotten as I reached my bed. That kind of feeling you get when you have to approach a teacher about an assignment that you know you should have done but you just didn't because you didn't feel like it. Or like that feeling you get/got when you approached your parents about something that you did, knowing you'll get in trouble for it. Anyway, that feeling. I quickly read my scriptures then began to say my prayers. I won't go into everything that was said but suffice to say that I was guilty of being quick to forget the commandment of God. I included my usual request to get help waking up and fell asleep.

Now comes the part where Shavonne almost does something to completely reverse every lesson she has learned up to this point. I woke up this morning with relative ease, considering the late night I had. I looked at my phone and said to myself, "Just a few more minutes. I'm too tired." As soon as I had that thought another came to my heart, "You go ahead and fall asleep again. I've done my part, now it's your turn." (ouch) There I went again! Quick to forget Who's help I had just received to be conscious for my first class. Good thing I don't have to be perfect right now, eh? So I drug myself out of bed and got ready. I was right on time to school. I looked at my schedule and saw very little hope for success today. I was stressed. Then came another little voice, "Trust in the Lord and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Ooo! Great promise! Looks like everything will work out.

Now I sit here getting ready to go to my class. It's been a stressful day with many disappointments but I'm still smiling. In the end, it will all work out. Right now, it is working out. I have no need to fear.

There's my story of hope for the day. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did experiencing it! Have a great day!

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